Press Release

Week of events will promote a more livable Detroit

June 16, 2015

Beginning June 22, Detroit will host Gil Penalosa (photo above), an internationally renowned livable city adviser who is passionate about creating vibrant and healthy communities.

Gil—whose mantra is “Every city should have a law of two words: Pedestrians First!”—founded 8 80 Cities, a nonprofit dedicated to the transformation of cities into places where people can walk, bike, access public transit and visit vibrant parks and public places.

Many community partners, including Knight Foundation, are joining the conversation and hosting events. Others include Jefferson East, Inc., theWayne State University Office of Economic Development, City of DetroitGeneral Services Department, Grosse Pointe War Memorial, Detroit Future City, Community Development Advocates of Detroit and more.

Gil’s work dovetails with our efforts here at Knight Foundation to make cities like Detroit better places to live. To do that, we invest in civic innovators who help cities attract and keep talented people, expand economic opportunity and create a culture of engagement. Designing places to achieve these goals is crucial to city success. Come hear how we can do that in Detroit. There are multiple opportunities the week of June 22 to see and hear from Gil and 8 80 Cities.

Week of events will promote a more livable Detroit
Katy Locker. 6.16.15. Knight Foundation


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