Detroit Neighborhood Housing Compact

Modeled after a successful 10-year collaborative initiative in Chicago, DFC is bringing together stakeholders to take collective action

What is the Detroit Neighborhood Housing Compact?

The Detroit Neighborhood Housing Compact (DNHC) is a forum for regular collaboration and collective action by more than 80 public, private, philanthropic, and non-profit stakeholders.

The Compact’s central goal is to increase the availability of stable, healthy, and affordable single-family homes for renters, homebuyers and homeowners in Detroit.

Detroit Future City serves as the backbone organization of the Housing Compact.  We convene regular meetings of Compact stakeholders to provide information and research to inform dialogue leading to the development of policy and action proposals.   

View Our Stakeholder Directory Here

View Our Brochure Here

How We Work | Collective Impact

Connect with the Compact!


– Get engaged: Monthly rental and homeownership work groups meet every third Tuesday.

Stay informed: Sign up for the newsletter to get meeting presentations, current resources, and upcoming meeting agendas.


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Sign up for the Compact’s Monthly Newsletter

What are the Goals of the Compact?

By 2025:


Increase Homeownership: Add 3,500 low/moderate income homeowners (making less than $50,000) outside of greater downtown.

Increase Housing Quality: Increase rental ordinance compliance rate to 50%.

Decrease Cost Burden for Homeowners: Reduce by 20% the number of homeowners making less than $50,000/year who pay more than 30% of their income in housing cost.

Decrease Cost Burden for Renters: Reduce by 20% the number of renters making less than $50,000/year who pay more than 30% of their income in rent/housing expenses.

Why Does the Compact Matter?

There are 203,700 single-family households in the City of Detroit, making it the most common type of housing in Detroit neighborhoods. The majority of single-family renters and homeowners cannot afford their housing costs, including maintenance and there are too few move-in ready homes for homebuyers, particularly at an affordable price point.

Also, many home repair programs don’t exist at the scale to address the need, further lower-income people are most impacted by trying to locate and apply for support. The COVID-19 pandemic has created new challenges for household stability. New strategies of support will be needed when eviction and foreclosure moratoriums are lifted.

The Detroit Housing Resource Library

The Detroit Housing Resource Library is a collection of research and toolkits in a central database that streamlines housing-related resources in the Detroit region pertaining to home repair, housing policy, evictions and more. Created via Airtable, it compiles resources under specific categories, descriptions, associated organizations, attachments, and links. This functions primarily as a repository for housing practitioners to help inform their work.
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Recent Report

"Renting Home" examines the state of Detroit's single-family rental market to establish a baseline understanding, identify challenges, and offer strategies on how to direct change.
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Recent Reports

Jointly authored by Detroit Future City and Enterprise Community Partners, "Rebuilding Home" provides an overview of the approaches and challenges associated with single-family redevelopment across Detroit's community development sector.
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