In the Media

In the Media

Dan Kinead, Director of Detroit Future City, profiled

May 8, 2014

If you’ve read much about Detroit in the news lately, it hasn’t been good. Facing $18 billion in debt, Detroit declared Chapter 9 bankruptcy last July, becoming the largest U.S. […]

No debate: Detroit Future City is the People’s Plan

April 2, 2014

As community members and organizers who were heavily involved in the extensive planning and engagement activities that led to the Detroit Future City (DFC) Strategic Framework, we have a responsibility […]

Detroit Future City’s plan discussed on WDET’s the Fraig Fahle Show

February 25, 2014

The discussion starts at 29 minute mark. John Dingell Legacy, Venezuela, Detroit Future City February 25th 2014, WDET

Detroit leaders commitment to make Detroit Future City plan a reality

February 21, 2014

Detroit officials say they’re committed to making the Detroit Future City plan a reality. The comprehensive—and controversial—plan has been years in the making. It’s meant to serve as a long-term […]

CBS Detroit covers Detroit Future City’s 2014-2015 priorities annoucement

February 20, 2014

A group involved in the long-term revitalization of Detroit says its priorities for the coming couple of years include pushing for economic growth to foster job creation and stabilizing hard-pressed […]

Detroit Strategic Framework

The DFC Strategic Framework, a shared vision for Detroit’s future, is the result of a massive, citywide public-engagement effort. It recommends a series of ideas, strategies and approaches on how to best use the city’s abundance of land, create job growth and economic prosperity, ensure vibrant neighborhoods, build an infrastructure that serves citizens at a reasonable cost, and maintain the high level of community engagement integral to the long-term revitalization of Detroit.
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The Field Guide to Working with Lots

The Field Guide to Working with Lots is a user-friendly tool to connect Detroit residents, businesses, and institutions to resources to learn, collaborate, and better practice land stewardship in Detroit. This step-by-step guide provides readers with instructions on how to transform vacant land in their neighborhoods into 38 landscape designs ranging from installation by beginning gardeners to professional contractors. View the interactive guide now.
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The State of Economic Equity

Detroit Future City’s (DFC) report, “The State of Economic Equity in Detroit,” illustrates the deep disparities that persist in Detroit and provides recommendations that provide a path to an economically equitable Detroit in which all Detroiters are meeting their unique needs, prospering, and fully and fairly participating in all aspects of economic life within a thriving city and region.
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