In the Media

In the Media

30 years covering Detroit: My take on the Motor City’s comeback

November 17, 2017

By: John Gallagher John Gallagher covers some of Detroit’s less-noticed trends, including urban farming, one of Detroit Future City’s greening strategies. Click here to read the full article on the […]

Field Guide to Working with Lots Mini-Grant FAQs

November 14, 2017

The following questions were asked by participants at the two Working with Lots Info Sessions. If you need further clarification, please reach out to or feel free to attend […]

Detroit Future City’s Field Guide To Working With Lots Mini-Grant Program

November 10, 2017

By: Amber Umscheid Amber Umscheid, Neighborhood Exchange, writes about Detroit Future City’s Field Guide to Working With Lots Mini-Grant program, which will award ten grantees a combined maximum of $95,000 […]

‘Detroit Future City’ Enters a New Stage

November 10, 2017

By: James Brasuell James Brasuell, Planetizen, writes about the new strategic plan Detroit Future City completed that will redirect the organizations vitalization efforts. Click here to read the full article […]

See what’s in Detroit Future City’s strategic plan

November 9, 2017

By: John Gallagher The plans laid out in Detroit Future City’s Strategic Framework are coming to fruition as the Duggan administration is adopting it’s ideology. Click here to read the […]

In Detroit, flipping the script on inequality

November 2, 2017

By: Ford Foundation Kevin Ryan referenced Detroit Future City’s 139 Square Miles report to give hard hitting statistics on Detroit’s poverty rate during an interview with the Ford Foundation. Click […]

Detroit Strategic Framework

The DFC Strategic Framework, a shared vision for Detroit’s future, is the result of a massive, citywide public-engagement effort. It recommends a series of ideas, strategies and approaches on how to best use the city’s abundance of land, create job growth and economic prosperity, ensure vibrant neighborhoods, build an infrastructure that serves citizens at a reasonable cost, and maintain the high level of community engagement integral to the long-term revitalization of Detroit.
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The Field Guide to Working with Lots

The Field Guide to Working with Lots is a user-friendly tool to connect Detroit residents, businesses, and institutions to resources to learn, collaborate, and better practice land stewardship in Detroit. This step-by-step guide provides readers with instructions on how to transform vacant land in their neighborhoods into 38 landscape designs ranging from installation by beginning gardeners to professional contractors. View the interactive guide now.
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The State of Economic Equity

Detroit Future City’s (DFC) report, “The State of Economic Equity in Detroit,” illustrates the deep disparities that persist in Detroit and provides recommendations that provide a path to an economically equitable Detroit in which all Detroiters are meeting their unique needs, prospering, and fully and fairly participating in all aspects of economic life within a thriving city and region.
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