In the Media

In the Media

Detroit Future City announces new chair, development director and leadership title changes, reflecting continued growth and impact

February 2, 2021

DETROIT – Detroit Future City (DFC) announced, today, that Wendy Jackson of The Kresge Foundation will serve as its new chair and that the organization has hired Kate Cherry to […]

Detroit Future City Request for Proposal: Website Redesign 2021

January 29, 2021

DFC has greatly evolved since it was founded as an independent nonprofit four years ago, and the current website was launched shortly after. We are seeking proposals from web designers […]

What does equity look like? Start with housing, income, Detroiters say.

October 13, 2020

Olivia Lewis of Bridge Detroit talks with our executive director, Anika Goss, about our new shared vision for economic equity in Detroit.   Read the full article here.

COVID-19’S Role In Economic Inequity

October 13, 2020

The Detroit Regional Chamber references our “COVID-19: Future Resilience Demands Greater Equity Today” report when talking about the virus’s economic inequity in the region.   Click here to read the full […]

COVID Response: Detroit Future City says solutions will require new approaches

September 1, 2020

John Gallagher talks with our executive director, Anika Goss, about the new challenges for DFC and its work amid the COVID-19 pandemic.   Read the full article here.

Valuing Black Cities

August 17, 2020

Executive Director Anika Goss joins the discussion on the negative economic and social effects of the deliberate devaluation of Black communities with Urban Consulate. She sat among Brookings Institution and […]

Detroit Strategic Framework

The DFC Strategic Framework, a shared vision for Detroit’s future, is the result of a massive, citywide public-engagement effort. It recommends a series of ideas, strategies and approaches on how to best use the city’s abundance of land, create job growth and economic prosperity, ensure vibrant neighborhoods, build an infrastructure that serves citizens at a reasonable cost, and maintain the high level of community engagement integral to the long-term revitalization of Detroit.
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The Field Guide to Working with Lots

The Field Guide to Working with Lots is a user-friendly tool to connect Detroit residents, businesses, and institutions to resources to learn, collaborate, and better practice land stewardship in Detroit. This step-by-step guide provides readers with instructions on how to transform vacant land in their neighborhoods into 38 landscape designs ranging from installation by beginning gardeners to professional contractors. View the interactive guide now.
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The State of Economic Equity

Detroit Future City’s (DFC) report, “The State of Economic Equity in Detroit,” illustrates the deep disparities that persist in Detroit and provides recommendations that provide a path to an economically equitable Detroit in which all Detroiters are meeting their unique needs, prospering, and fully and fairly participating in all aspects of economic life within a thriving city and region.
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