In the Media

Are Soaring Property Valuations a Reason for Celebration or Concern for Detroiters?

January 31, 2024

In this Michigan Chronicle article, Ebony JJ Curry discusses how the reality of homeownership for many Detroiters has been a journey riddled with obstacles, where the dream of owning a home has often collided with the hard pavement of undervalued properties. The article also includes a quote from Anika Goss:

“The increase in home purchases over the last 10 years is a real testament to the cross-sector collaboration to create a healthy housing market. With the housing market strengthening in Detroit, we must leverage targeted investments that create stronger and more equitable homebuying opportunities,” Anika Goss, Detroit Future City president and CEO. “These investments should be prioritized to develop greater diversity in housing prices, allowing the city to capture homebuyers with broader ranges of income who have accessible opportunities to attain a mortgage.”

Read the full article here.


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