In the Media

Gathering Detroiters’ Authentic Voice: Gallup Survey to Drive Collective Action to Improve Resident Well-Being

May 24, 2023

In this article, Trevor W. Coleman shard via Detroit Regional Chamber that the Gallup Center on Black Voices engaged in a first-of-its-kind survey that specifically seeks to understand and accurately gauge the ambitions, hopes, and life experiences of Detroiters.

Anika Goss, president and CEO of Detroit Future City and a member of the Racial Equity Blueprint Group, addressed that Black people in Detroit are constantly researched and used for extracting stories and data, often without many contributions from or back to those communities.

“This will give an authentic voice, real-time visualization, and what is actually happening in those communities,” she said.

“Detroit is this nation’s largest Black city per capita,” Goss said. “So, where better to be able to obtain and acquire a survey that could begin to align data and information with other communities where Black people are also living, learning, thriving, or not?”

“Detroit will be in a leadership role for that, which is an incredible opportunity for us. Not only locally but nationally.”

Click here to read the story.



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