
Detroit Neighborhood Housing Compact Newsletter – February 2022

February 8, 2022

Detroit Neighborhood Housing Compact February Newsletter

February Agendas

Rental Work Group: COMBINED WITH HOMEOWNERSHIP (No 9:00am mtg. for Feb!)

The Michigan Saves Lead Fund presentation is relevant to both work groups. We encourage Rental Work Group members to join us at 10:45 at the Homeownership Work Group. Link below.

Homeownership Work Group: Tues. Jan 18 | 10:45am – 12:15pm

  • Compact Updates
  • Presentation: Michigan Saves Lead Fund and Home Repair Loan Products by Todd Parker, Director of Programs at Michigan Saves
  • Update: Home Repair Resource Guide Update—Jess Yan, Research Assistant, UofM Poverty Solutions & Data Analyst, Homelessness Prevention at UCHC
  • Partner Updates

Open the Homeownership Work Group Zoom meeting link by clicking here.

January Meeting Recaps & Compact Updates

Q1 Housing Compact Advisory Committee Meeting

In January, the Compact Advisory Committee met for the first of their quarterly meetings. Highlights from the Ecosystem tracker were shared— 30+ ongoing programs, policies, initiatives, and pieces of research in the housing system that will impact cost burden, homeownership rates, and housing quality in the next several years. DFC shared a framework document laying out a work plan for the year. Committee members ideated around strategies to work toward increasing homeownership and housing quality.

January Rental Work Group : Thousands of Vacant Detroit Homes Rehabbed & Occupied Amidst Pandemic by Alex Alsup, Rocket Community Fund

Using USPS data as well as Google Street View imagery and in-person surveys, Alex Alsup explores an unprecedented and rapid decline in vacant houses in Detroit as a result of new rehab & re-occupancy activity during the pandemic. Alex found a net increase of 5,000+ occupied homes since the beginning of the Pandemic. Click here for the Jan. Rental Work group presentation PDF.

January Homeownership Work Group : The Neighborhood Homes Investment Act (NHIA) Presentation by Chris Garland, National Community Stabilization Trust

Every community has neighborhoods in which homes are in poor condition and property values are too low to support new construction or substantial renovation. The lack of move-in ready homes makes it difficult to attract or retain homebuyers, causing property values to decline. NHIA would break this stalemate by creating a federal tax credit that covers the gap between the cost of building or renovating homes and the price at which they can be sold, thus making renovation and new home construction possible. Chris Garland shared a summary of NHIA and its potential implication for neighborhoods in Detroit, and answered questions about how act could move forward even if BBB doesn’t pass. Click here for the Jan. Homeownership Work group presentation PDF

Announcements and Resources


DFC 2030 Plan
Economic Equity Dashboard