
Detroit Future City’s “Lots To Maintain” Fundraising Campaign

September 5, 2017

In October 2015, Detroit Future City (DFC) introduced the Field Guide to Working with Lots, a tool that offers step-by-step instructions, guidance and resources to transform vacant land into a variety of landscapes. This tool includes a workbook companion that walks users through the phases of engaging their community, assessing their lot, reviewing lot designs, and exploring various resources. One month after the Field Guide’s release, DFC initiated the Working with Lots mini-grant program, which helps accelerate the revitalization of vacant land in Detroit.
Today, DFC needs your help with maintaining the upkeep of these lots. Over the past two years, we have learned a great deal about the financial challenges community members face when maintaining their projects beyond sweat equity. To address these challenges, DFC is collaborating with crowdfunding organization, In Our Backyard (ioby), to raise resources for our “Lots to Maintain” program, which supports Detroit residents and community groups that have transformed vacant lots in their community using the Field Guide.  Since the Field Guide’s release, DFC has collaborated and provided technical assistance to 29 Detroit groups, and influenced the transformation of more than 35 vacant lots.
DFC needs your help to fulfill our goal of raising $10,000 to make sure these lots remain assets to their neighborhoods, and to improve stormwater management in the City of Detroit. You can make a tax-deductible donation today of $50, $100, or any amount you choose! 100 percent of all contributions will go directly toward funding the upkeep of revitalized open space in Detroit neighborhoods. In addition, DFC will match every donation received via the “Lots to Maintain” fundraising campaign.
To donate to the “Lots to Maintain” fundraising campaign, please click here or on the image above.


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Economic Equity Dashboard