In the Media

Detroit needs a plan to leave no one behind

August 30, 2017

Bankole Thompson, from The Detroit News, focuses on Detroit’s job opportunities, and highlights minority-owned firms in the city, using the 139 Square Miles report.

Detroit needs a plan to leave no one behind
By: Bankole Thompson
The Detroit News
August 30, 2017

Detroit entrepreneur Danielle D. North pulled no punches in her assessment of the recent Detroit Future City report that revealed glaring economic inequities in the city.

“We need programs, incentives and a sincere focus on existing business owners and those interested in starting new businesses in the neighborhoods,” said North, 35. “Small business owners such as myself work very hard to provide jobs to deserving workers and citizens in Detroit.”

The report indicated that Detroit has seen the largest increase in jobs that pay more than $40,000 annually. But those jobs are concentrated downtown and midtown and in the city’s core industrial areas leaving Detroit’s neighborhoods out of the economic boom.

And when it comes to entrepreneurs, the report said there are 160 black-owned companies per 1,000 African-American residents and 103 Hispanic-owned firms per 1,000 Hispanic residents. Both groups, according to the report, are only about half as likely to transition from self-employment to hiring others.

Click here to read the full article.


Detroit Strategic Framework
Economic Equity Dashboard