Press Release

Detroit Future City partners with Challenge Detroit for the Land Use Challenge

May 23, 2016

The Detroit Future City (DFC) Implementation Office is partnering with the Challenge Detroit fellows, as well as with Black Family Development, Inc. and Nortown Community Development Corporation, for the Land Use Challenge from April 8, through May 6, 2016. The Challenge Detroit Land Use project serves as an important opportunity to further build community capacity, garner lessons learned and identify resources to help implement additional Field Guide lot designs in the community.

Here are some images from the event.

CH 1
The fellows painted the side of a neighbor’s garage that faced the vacant lot on Roylat St.
Challenge Detroit Fellows 2015-2016 from left to right: Eric Laksonen, Amelia Suarez, Nick Najor, Annie Gough

CD 2
Aerial view of vacant lot on Rolyat Street in which the Challenge Detroit Fellows implemented Dumping Preventer and Urban Edge lot designs
Drone photo taken by: Nadir Ali, Challenge Detroit Fellow 2015-2016

CD 3
Testing the soil on the vacant lot
Mikayla Cutlip, Challenge Detroit Fellow 2015-2016

CD 4
Challenge Detroit Fellows going through the capacity building exercises in the Field Guide. Left to right: Ephraim Clark, David Engel, Eric Silverstein, Gabriela Santiago-Romero, Emily Kempa

CD 5
Challenge Detroit Design Team builds a fence for the vacant lot
From Left to right: Michael Paciero, David Engel

CD 6
Challenge Detroit Fellows on Planting day April 29th, 2016
From Left to right: Nick Najor, Devon Seery, Michael Paciero (kneeling in the back, middle), David Engel, Kelsey Stein

CD 7
Challenge Detroit Fellow, Michael Paciero constricting a wooden fence for the lot on Rolyat St.

CD 8
Challenge Detroit fellows (left to right) Michael Paciero, David Engel, and Devon Seery loaded mulch onto the vacant lot during the design team’s preparation day, April 29th, 2016

CD 9
Challenge Detroit fellows flag the lot
From left to right: Paulina Kriska, Emily Kempa

CD 10
Challenge Detroit Fellows 2015-2016


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