
CCP Report: Open Space in Detroit

November 12, 2015

In an effort to continue to advance the transformation of Detroit’s vacant land into an open space amenity, the DFC Implementation Office applied for and received a technical assistance scholarship from the Center for Community Progress (CCP) to research ownership models and funding options for long-term open space in Detroit.  DFC worked with the CCP team, which consisted of CCP staff and consultants, to frame and inform the work, building off the recommendations in the DFC Strategic Framework, and to connect the team to key stakeholders working on open space in Detroit.  The report addresses two key questions:

  • What are the range of ownership models that could be considered for open space, depending on type of use, permanence of use, scale, and location?
  • What are the funding needs for the types of open space uses examined in this report and what existing or creative funding tools may be available to address those needs?

Check out the full report here.


Detroit Strategic Framework
Economic Equity Dashboard