
August/September 2014 E-Newsletter: DFC City Systems Priority – Renew Systems Strategically and Innovatively

August 15, 2014

Detroit has a critical need to establish more long-lasting, cost-effective and innovative city systems, such as water, waste, energy, transportation and communications. Such infrastructure can improve quality of life for Detroiters by essential reinvestment and employment growth, encouraging thriving communities and improving environmental and health conditions.

After 60 years of disinvestment and depopulation in Detroit, we must consider system renewal thoughtfully and strategically to link infrastructures to current and future needs. By moving beyond traditional legacy infrastructures to improve systems delivery while reducing costs, we can develop the essential value proposition for residents and businesses to be in Detroit.

To accomplish these goals, the Detroit Future City (DFC) Implementation Office is working across three major lines of effort:

1. Strategic Infrastructure Renewal

  • The city can improve the service quality by upgrading and maintaining infrastructure in areas of higher density and demand while reducing excess system capacity in areas of lower demand.
  • Master Plan of Policies Update: DFC’s update to the City’s Master Plan included guidance on how the City could be strategic in its infrastructure investment decisions.
  • Detroit 2.0 Human Capital Support : DFC advised the White House team of municipal technology experts during their visit to Detroit. DFC worked with Detroit’s new Chief Information Officer (CIO) to identify, recruit, and place a Deputy Director for Civic Community Engagement. DFC continues to support the City in sourcing services for opening city data.



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