In the Media

Detroit Future City opens search for new director

July 30, 2015

Detroit Future City has launched its search for a new executive director, part of its transition to an independent, non-profit organization.

The search is being led by The Hawkins Company.

“The recruitment profile for the new executive director was developed with feedback and input from a diverse cross-section of stakeholders,” said Dr. George Swan, TMC chair.

“We are making every effort to ensure the new director reflects the needs of Detroit today and in the future, and has the expertise and experience to lead a team and collaborate with DFC’s diverse audiences to effectively steward the critical recommendations in the DFC Strategic Framework.”

The Detroit Future City plan is a framework to guide city revitalization. It’s a 345-page book completed in 2012 seen as the core of a city master plan.

Detroit Future City opens search for new director
Jennifer Chambers. July 30, 2015. The Detroit News


Detroit Strategic Framework
Economic Equity Dashboard