The Field Guide to Working with Lots provides step-by-step instruction for 38 landscape designs ranging from installation by beginning gardeners to professional contractors. On this website, you can sort through the designs to find one that meets your budget, maintenance level, and experience. The designs address a variety of concerns including stormwater, dumping, soil quality and can transform vacant lots into community assets.
Learn MoreWith 38 lot designs to choose from, determining the type of lot you are starting with is a great place to start! Take the Discover Your Lot quiz to find the most appropriate lot design option(s) for your lot, or browse lot types to learn more.
Photo © Erin Kelly, Lambert, Rotherstien & Associates
From entrepreneurial ventures to community building, you are sure to find inspiration from our local and national examples. Browse through the profiles to learn how groups have done amazing work related to land transformation and the implementation stories of groups that have already installed Field Guide lot designs. Be sure to let us know if you install a design so we can highlight your work and lessons learned!